What is the real cause of hormonal acne?

What is the real cause of hormonal acne?

Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and do nothing to stop the real cause of acne. That is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time you stop using the product acne would return again and again.

What you need to do is find out what the real cause of acne on the face is and stop it.

What is the real cause of acne?

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxic than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two main channels of elimination that your body expel toxics and waste products through.)

These toxic substances may be the accumulation of chemicals stored fat in the liver can not empty or there may be a problem with fat digestion, fat accumulation, food allergy, or even the accumulation of hormones that body produces.

Acne and skin careOnce these toxics build up, kidneys and bowels can overloaded and clogged, causing it to malfunction.

When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver. One of the main functions of your liver is metabolizing fat accumulate into usable energy for your body.

This means, your liver will do some of the work of his kidney. So now, your liver is overloaded and will not work at full capacity.

What happens when the intestines, kidneys and liver gets overloaded?

When that happens your body will expel toxins through the lungs and skin (secondary channels of elimination). And this is when acne occurs. This is when the skin starts to breakout.

But whatever the toxic source is that's causing this problem, severe acne is a sign that your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with toxins, waste products, or hormones.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification capacity (and will continue to grow weaker if you do what it takes to get rid of toxic substances in your body).

How to cure your acne

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